Circular economy system


IDC Green Destination - Presentation
Click here to read the interview of Prof. Bertolini (in Italian)


By definition, islands are territories in which it is possible, as well as necessary, to activate circular economy models that can reduce the quantities of waste that are difficult to dispose due to the scarce availability of storage spaces and the transport difficulties associated with maritime connections.

The project focuses on the issues of the circular economy, as the first strategic area identified for the promotion of the development of the eco-sustainability of the island of Capri.

  1. Framework: the circular economy in the smaller islands; The objective of this phase is to frame the project in a broader perspective, presenting the context in relation to global issues, the regulatory framework and good practices and initiatives already implemented at a global / European / Italian level.
  2. Analysis of the waste cycle in the territory of Capri and Anacapri: the objective of this phase is to study the "island circularity rate", in order to identify virtuous supply chains and others presenting the most critical issues, as well as systematize the initiatives  already developed in the territories of reference.
  3. Definition of a sample of stakeholders in order to submit them a questionnaire to  identify critical issues and potential, as well as define proposals for the development  of circular economy topics on the island.
  4. Identification of circular innovations and good practices. At this point, we intend to present a review of products and/or best practices for the enhancement of recycled materials which can replace existing products to coming full circle and strengthening the different supply chains.
  5. Selection of potentially implementable innovations and analysis of the environmental benefits related to the spread of these innovations on the island.
  6. Definition of the Island of Capri’s Circular model.

Based on the evidence that will emerge from the analysis of the reference context, the project intends to:

  • Identify selected main stakeholders in terms of waste production, target audience or specific critical issues, through which pilot projects for the promotion of circular innovations in the area are conveyed (eg organized distribution, hotels, bars and restaurants, etc.), with specific attention to the tourism sector.

  • To define an analysis grid for identifying critical issues and assessing the feasibility of ad hoc proposals to be shared with Conai.
  • To evaluate the achievable results in terms of improving the "circularity rate".
  • To define a model for promotion of the circular economy on the island, which can be replicated in other contexts or with different stakeholders.