PreCop26 ITA



The research aims to define a model for the promotion of the circular economy on the island with specific reference to the tourism sector, aimed at the implementation of good practices in the area. Increasing the level of circularity of economic systems is the only way to compensate for the damage to the ecosystem of a linear approach, which has characterized the economic growth linked to the industrial revolution. Thinking about the circular economy in a reality like the island of Capri, known all over the world for its beauty and fragility, means having taken up the challenge to identify all the actions aimed at closing the circle on the island to make it a model to be replicated. in other similar realities both in Italy and abroad.

The start of the project will be told by: 

Claudio Balestri

Oikos President

Francesco Bertolini

Bocconi University

Mario Cerutti

Head of Sustainability Lavazza

Gennaro Famiglietti

President Isola di Capri Conservancy

Lavinia Fattore

Head of Marketing & Communication Italy Allianz GI

Carlo Montalbetti

General Manager Comieco

Daniela Ropolo

Head of Sustainable Development Initiatives CNH Industrial

Luca Ruini

Conai President

Julie Tedeschi

Allianz GI Vice President

Marco Versari

Biorepack President

Please confirm your participation by email to by 20 September 2021

The entire event will take place in full compliance with anti-COVID19 regulations and social distancing. The GREEN PASS or certificate of healing in the last 6 months or negative swab results in the last 48 hours will be requested at the entrance. The use of a mask is mandatory during the conference.



The alliance of brands committed to support sustainability projects around the world presents in Turin, as part of the meetings scheduled by All4climante - Italy 2021, three important initiatives in the Amazon, Australia and Italy.
Turin, 17 June 2021 - In a crucial year for global climate ambition, which will see Milan host the Pre-COP in September and the United Kingdom the COP26 in November, Brands4Sustainability (B4S) mobilized to bring its voice and contribution to the collective fight against climate change. It did so by joining the program All4climate - Italy 2021, launched by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in collaboration with Connect4Climate of the World Bank Group. The objective: gather all the events dedicated to promoting an active and constructive dialogue on the challenges of the climate crisis, thus facilitating the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

In this context, CNH Industrial, Lavazza Group and Riso Scotti, members of B4S, met today at the Industrial Village in Turin to reaffirm their commitment to sustainability and to present three important initiatives in the Amazon, Australia, and Italy.

To run the event Francesco Bertolini, President of Brands4Sustainability and professor of Sustainability at SDA Bocconi, who introduced in videoconference with Brazil and Australia Dov Rosenman and Ray Wilson, respectively Earthworm Foundation Head of Brazil and Carbon Neutral CEO.

Rosenman presented the project "Tomé-açu Landscape" that Earthworm Foundation carries out in Brazil, which aims to optimize social and environmental practices, with particular attention to regeneration, agro-forestry, social management systems and the adoption of innovative agricultural practices.

In Australia, Carbon Neutral has implemented the "Saltland Restoration Pilot Program" with the aim of reforesting degraded land to combat the salinity of arid lands, overcome the effects of the climate crisis and restore biodiversity.

Riso Scotti illustrated the project "Together for Sustainability", inspired by the genius Leonardo da Vinci, which tells how nature, innovation and progress are the pillars of the Italian Rice Supply Chain. The company proposes itself as a bridge between the world of agriculture and consumption, involving seedlings, farmers, industrial partners and energy, transporters, distribution and final consumers in a virtuous and circular project of sharing the best sustainable solutions, aimed at enhancing Italian biodiversity, respecting the environment and natural resources.

These initiatives are part of the many projects carried out on the sustainability front by companies that are part of Brands4Sustainability, an alliance for a fair and sustainable future in the spirit of Goal 17 (Partnership for Goals) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.